
Saturday, 5 September 2020

Deep Cold, a poem by Adam Common, poet

 Deep is
The light of
The Autumn
 Sun that
Spills between
Our two

The time as
You shift, breathe,
The stuff of
Warm dreams

 Cold as
The white night,
Snow capped and
 Bleak as
The roofs that
Line our

 Thin now,
The veil of
My dark and
 Deep eve.
Static so
Not to

 You so
Soft beneath
The cold of
 Sheets and
Me so warm

Bug in the Garage, a poem by Adam Common

It is such 
a thing to be the thriving
bug in the garage once 
autumn has come.
They hear me 
and chirrup, 
but I cannot be found.
I cry 
out in the night, 
in the dark, come for me,
touch me. 
Hold me so that my voice might turn 
that I go the way of my kind, 
out there,
in the world of rain & wind,
so that heaviness 
take me away from 
this hole in the ground
And bring me to something 